Life in the Vine Retreats
Retreats are led by Dan & Charlene Canady
Dan and Charlene have been involved in ministry for almost 50 years serving in church pastoral roles, prison ministry, leading retreats, giving spiritual direction, and managing a church camp in the Colorado mountains. Dan has his B.A. in Biblical Studies and graduate studies in Philosophy of Religion. Charlene homeschooled five children, worked part-time in her own cleaning business and managing garden centers. They have both completed a two year program to become certified Spiritual Directors in the Sustainable Faith school of spiritual direction. They have also both completed the 19th annotation of the Ignatian Exercises. They divide their time between Canon City, Colorado and Mt. Elim Bible Camp near Steamboat Springs, Colorado. They have five grown children and 11 amazing grandchildren. Their dream is to lead retreats, offer spiritual direction, and enjoy relating to younger believers as they follow Christ.
Cost: Donation Only
Retreats begin on Friday evening and end on Saturday, late afternoon.
For more info, contact Dan & Charlene // (970) 620-0427 cell // (970) 620-0426 cell
Spending a Day with God:
Intro to Personal Retreat
July 12 - 13
This retreat will be a guided retreat focused on simple practices for personal time with God. There will be short group sessions for worship and suggestions for personal quiet time alone. Retreats are limited to 4 to 6 people. We will eat meals together for fellowship and encouragement. Silence will be observed from 9:00 p.m. Friday until 12:00 p.m. on Saturday except for our group worship time on Saturday morning. There will be ample time focused on individual time seeking God, resting, reading, walking, and just sitting quietly and listening for His voice. Individual times for spiritual direction will be available if requested.
O Taste and See
(and Feel, Hear and Smell)
that the Lord is Good
August 16-17
This retreat will explore how we experience the goodness of God through our five senses. We will take time to experience each of our senses and listen to our hearts and minds for glimpses of God’s goodness in our lives. The retreat will be limited to 4 to 6 people and we will eat meals together for fellowship and encouragement. There will observe silence from 9:00 p.m. Friday to 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. We will also have a time of worship. Individual times for spiritual direction will be available if requested.